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公益性服务 Attorneys Secure Life-Changing Benefits


父女二人Kevin* contracted a severe infection which forced him to undergo more than 30 surgeries, including one that required the devastating amputation of his leg. In the last year alone, he spent eight months in the hospital.

即使在手术之后, Kevin must receive a blood transfusion every two weeks, 是否按医嘱卧床休息, 不能走路. 尽管困难重重, when he applied to the Social Security Administration, he was denied disability benefits.

凯文打电话给D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center for help appealing the decision. The Center assigned two volunteer lawyers and an expert mentor to his case. His pro bono lawyers got to work immediately reviewing his medical history and documenting his condition for his appeal. Thanks to his pro bono lawyers’ efforts, the Administrative Law Judge granted his appeal. He will now receive disability benefits to help meet his most basic needs.

“When 公益性服务 Center clients are unable to work, successful appeals like Kevin’s can dramatically improve a client’s life. It’s difficult enough to experience such serious health problems, without having to worry how to pay for food, 避难所, 医学, 以及其他需求,” says Center Managing Attorney Adrian Gottshall. “Thanks to his volunteer lawyers, Kevin’s future is now much more stable.”

To help the 公益性服务 Center continue to provide desperately needed and life-changing legal services for D.C. residents who cannot afford a lawyer, make a tax-deductible year-end contribution today.

*Client’s name has been changed to protect privacy.




D.C. 法院 Seek Input on Limited Legal Services Providers

To help ease the gap in access to justice, the D.C. 法院’ Civil Legal Regulatory Reform Task Force is investigating a new approach — allowing people who are not lawyers, but who have sufficient qualifications and training, to provide limited legal services in certain areas of the law where there are high rates of pro se litigants (such as family, 住房, 消费者, 和遗嘱认证法).
